
Murree Matric Result 2024 Check Result by Name and Roll Number

Hey there, Punjab board students! Are you eagerly waiting to know about your Murree Matric Result 2024? Well, the wait is almost over! The Punjab boards have announced that the Matric result for the year 2024 will be unveiled on July 31, 2024, at 10:00 AM. It’s just around the corner! To check your result as soon as it’s announced, simply enter your Roll number below and hit the submit button. It’s that easy!

Also Read: Check Punjab Boards Matric Result 2024


Result Date31 July
Result Time10 AM
Total Students11,500

Murree Matric Result 2024

Let’s talk about the highly anticipated Murree Matric Result 2024. The exams were conducted earlier this year, starting on April 1st and ending on April 18th, for all the Punjab boards. As for the paper checking status, rest assured that it has been completed. Now, let’s discuss the Murree schooling system. Over the years, students from Murree have been achieving remarkable success in their Matric examinations. The education system in Murree aims to provide quality education and prepare students for their future endeavors. The past results have showcased the dedication and hard work of students, highlighting their ability to excel in their studies.

Murree Matric Result 2024 Date and Time

Mark your calendars, students! The much-awaited Murree Matric Result 2024 will be announced on July 31, 2024, at 10:00 AM. This is the moment when you can finally see the outcome of your hard work and determine how well you’ve performed in your Matric exams. Prepare yourself for an exciting day as you eagerly await the declaration of your results.

Check Murree Matric Result 2024

Now, let’s talk about the various methods through which you can check your Murree Matric Result 2024. You have three options at your disposal:

Check Murree Matric Result by SMS

You can also check your result via SMS. Although it’s an older method that was commonly used a couple of years ago, it can still be handy if you don’t have access to the internet. However, do keep in mind that it may take some time to receive the result due to heavy server loads on result day. This method has a few limitations, such as providing limited information about your result and only allowing one roll number per SMS. It’s best to use this method if you don’t have internet access. Here are the steps:

  1. Open your text messaging app.
  2. Type your roll number.
  3. Send it to the relevant number.
  4. Wait for the reply.

Please note that it may take some time to receive a response, so be patient. Also, the cost of each SMS may vary, so keep that in mind as well. This method may not work after some time, so it’s recommended to use it on the day of the result or within a day or two.

Check Murree Matric Result by Roll Number

Checking your Matric result by roll number is the easiest and most convenient method. This online method provides you with detailed marks and saves you from the limitations and potential costs of the SMS method. However, due to high traffic on the website, it’s possible that the servers may slow down or even crash. Don’t worry, though, as all you need is a little patience. Let’s go through the process step by step:

  1. Open your preferred search engine.
  2. Search for your city board.
  3. Click on the relevant board’s website.
  4. Locate the search bar.
  5. Enter your roll number.
  6. Hit enter.
  7. Voila! Your detailed marks will appear on the webpage.

Check Murree Matric Result by Name

Officials have announced that a new section will be provided on the result day to check your Murree Matric Result 2024 by name. This method allows you to search for the result using your name rather than the roll number. Stay tuned for the additional option to conveniently access your result.


When will the Murree Matric Result 2024 be announced?

The result will be announced on July 31, 2024, at 10:00 AM.

How long did the paper checking process take for the Murree Matric exams?

The paper checking process was completed between April 1st and April 18th.

How has the performance of Murree board students been in previous years?

Murree board students have consistently achieved commendable results in their Matric exams, showcasing their dedication and success in their studies.

Can I check the Murree Matric Result 2024 by SMS?

Yes, you can check the result by sending an SMS with your roll number. However, it may take time to receive a response, and there may be limitations in the information provided.

How can I check the Murree Matric Result 2024 by roll number?

You can easily check your result online by visiting the website of your city board and entering your roll number in the search bar.

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